Monday, April 10, 2017

Post #10 The Final Blog!

   Data collection most likely won't be the most useful thing for me as a hopeful 1st grade teacher. I don't see myself having any data I need to collect from my students unless it's an activity on favorite flavor of ice cream. Excel on the other hand has a lot of uses, that I didn't even knew existed until we learned about it for our skill check. Excel had alway scared me so I stayed as far away as possible. Now that I have kind of learned how to work it, I can see myself inputting my students' grades and assignments into it.

   I'm not sure what topics this specific prompt was talking about but I really liked seeing everybody's different opinions on "flipped classroom". I found seeing all the different experiences opened my eyes to more positive and negative aspects of it. I still didn't change my opinion, but I see why some teachers choose to do it.

   I would love to learn everything my computer is capable for. I believe there is so much my mac could do, but I'm only skimming the surface. I will probably search the depths of google and absorb as much information as I can. This class has made me realize how much technology can do for teaching and I hope to always learn cool new skills throughout my career.



  1. I have had the same experience with learning about technology. I have a super expensive mac at home and I use it to go on Facebook and Twitter or to do homework. I want to be able to utilize every aspect that it has to offer.

  2. Excel has always scared me too. I associate Excel with numbers and numbers with traumatic childhood experiences so I always stay faaar away hahaha.

  3. Technology is becoming a huge part of many career paths, and it's really cool to see how it has evolved over the years.

  4. Fave quote "This class has made me realize how much technology can do for teaching and I hope to always learn cool new skills throughout my career."

    Here is my advice, Excel or otherwise.. take small risks frequently. We are fortunate now as students (remember, I'm a student also) that people push us.

    When you have a job, push yourself just a little, or more. Being a teacher is an opportunity for us personally to grow. I am so grateful!
